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Text File  |  1995-02-23  |  118KB  |  1,692 lines

  2. █████ Path: \RA_QBBS
  4. █████ Area: Remote Access/QBBS/Super BBS Support
  6. █████ Disc: SysOp's Arsenal v1.0
  8. 262TO263.ZIP  [0]  DESQview's Behavior Modified To Work Around A
  9.                                | Bug In RA V2.Xx, (The "Sleep" Bug).
  10. AB100B1.ZIP   [0]  ┌─────── AutoBiography v1.00/Beta 1. ───────┐
  11.                                | │                                           │
  12.                                | │   AutoBiography is an advanced User BIO   │
  13.                                | │    System for all DOOR.SYS compatible     │
  14.                                | │         Bulletin Board Systems.           │
  15.                                | │        99.9% Sysop Configurable!          │
  16.                                | │                                           │
  17.                                | └──── Copyright 1994-95 by Doug Kalman. ────┘
  18. AF2RA.ZIP     [0]  Allfix -=> RemoteAccess Conversion Utility.
  19.                                | Converts Allfix Fareas.Fix To A Files.Ra 2.Xx
  20.                                | Compatible Datafile. By Joe Jared.
  21. ALT_110.ZIP   [0]  ALLIST v1.10;  The Ultimate  files-base  tool
  22.                                | Create  ALLFILES/NEWFILES/GROUP???.LST  for a
  23.                                | FILES.BBS format  files-base.  Add headers to
  24.                                | each  FILES.BBS  using   template  variables.
  25.                                | locate orphan and  missing files.  many other
  26.                                | options to manage the filebase are available.
  27.                                | full flexibility, fast and easy.  [Shareware]
  28.                                |              *   *   *   *   *
  29.                                | Copyright(c) 1994 Spirit Software Engineering
  30. AM_60.ZIP     [0]  ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐
  31.                                | │  ■ Online Archive Master version 6.0 ■  │
  32.                                | ├─────────────────────────────────────────┤
  33.                                | │ AM is a RemoteAccess 2.0x archive       │
  34.                                | │ viewer.  AM can be used as a door and   │
  35.                                | │ as the RA External Archive Viewer.      │
  36.                                | │                                         │
  37.                                | │ ■ View the contents of archives         │
  38.                                | │ ■ Read files within archives            │
  39.                                | │ ■ Extract file(s) to be downloaded      │
  40.                                | │   individually                          │
  41.                                | │ ■ Supports all major archive formats!   │
  42.                                | │ ■ Supports the RA 2.0x file database    │
  43.                                | │ ■ Checks all security levels and flags  │
  44.                                | │ ■ ...and more!                          │
  45.                                | │                                         │
  46.                                | │ AM is another quality freeware product  │
  47.                                | │ from Dykstra Software.                  │
  48.                                | └─────────────────────────────────────────┘
  49. AREAMGR5.ZIP  [0]  ┌────────────────────────────────────────┐
  50.                                | │ ■■■■■■■■■■  AreaMGR v5.0  ■■■■■■■■■■■■ │
  51.                                | ├────────────────────────────────────────┤
  52.                                | │ AreaMGR is a RemoteAccess 2.0x message │
  53.                                | │ and file area manager.  AreaMGR allows │
  54.                                | │ you to make global changes to your     │
  55.                                | │ message and file areas.  Change flags, │
  56.                                | │ security levels, EVERYTHING!  Designed │
  57.                                | │ with the look and feel of RACONFIG.    │
  58.                                | │ Freeware from Dykstra Software.        │
  59.                                | │                                        │
  60.                                | │ NEW in v5.0:  Internet & Newsgroup     │
  61.                                | │ area types are now supported.          │
  62.                                | └────────────────────────────────────────┘
  63. ATAG103.ZIP   [0]  (v1.03) AddTag, Add a tagline to your GoldEd
  64.                                | TimEd, FrontDoor or Termail message. Tag them
  65.                                | just like with BlueWave. Also with random
  66.                                | mode, new is also a capture method. Now uses
  67.                                | a smart indexing method when adding or
  68.                                | deleting taglines. Multiple tagline files,
  69.                                | colour configuration, add manual typed tags
  70.                                | and a lot more!!
  71.                                | CardWare by Pascal van Rossum
  72. AUU110.ZIP    [0]  AUU 1.10 - Auto User Upgrader for
  73.                                | RemoteAccess 2.00. Now includes JAM
  74.                                | support!
  75. A_URD100.ZIP  [0]  (v1.00) Act Of Impulse User Registration
  76.                                | door for Remote Access 2.0x. Export filled
  77.                                | in data to file, netmail & usersbase.
  78.                                | Freeware by Pascal van Rossum
  79. BADFL11.ZIP   [0]                                     ┌───┐
  80.                                |        Automatically add unde-    ∙∙─┐ │
  81.                                |        sired files into RA 2.xx    └───┘
  82.                                |        BADFILES.CTL stright from  ∙∙─┤ :
  83.                                |        RAMGR, WITHOUT EXITING!       │ │
  84.                                |        Save HOURS of SysOping!!!   . │ │
  85.                                |    .   New "*" options NOW, WOW!   : │ :
  86.                                |  ┌───┐ ∙∙∙∙·  BADFILE v1.1  ·∙∙∙∙∙ ┌───┐
  87.                                |  │ └─────────────────────────────────┘ │
  88.                                |  └───┘ ∙∙·· CyBiC PRODCUTiONS  ·∙∙ └───┘
  89. BATSRA11.ZIP  [0]  ▄·····································▄
  90.                                | ▌ BATSRA - RemoteAccess v1.10 or 2.xx ▐
  91.                                | ▌ BBS Activity  Tracking system! Keep ▐
  92.                                | ▌ track  of all  your users' activity ▐
  93.                                | ▌ with   this    easy   menu   driven ▐
  94.                                | ▌ interface,   and   full   reporting ▐
  95.                                | ▌ features! Can review activity for a ▐
  96.                                | ▌ specific period OR  a specific day, ▐
  97.                                | ▌ all users  on that day -  or just a ▐
  98.                                | ▌ particular  user.   STOP  REVIEWING ▐
  99.                                | ▌ THOSE LOGS AND START MANAGING THEM! ▐
  100.                                | ▌                                     ▐
  101.                                | ▌    !  The Information Manager  !    ▐
  102.                                | ▌    !        for SysOps         !    ▐
  103.                                | ▌                                     ▐
  104.                                | ▌ Includes Interactive Door for Users ▐
  105.                                | ▌ to review global  activity OR their ▐
  106.                                | ▌ own  specific  log  of  activity on ▐
  107.                                | ▌ your bbs.                           ▐
  108.                                | ▌                                     ▐
  109. BATSV121.ZIP  [0]   BATS - BBS Activity Tracking System version
  110.                                |  to  2.02, QuickBBS  to  2.80, Ezycom 1.10g,
  111.                                |  version  has  bugs   worked out and has an e
  112.                                |  which lets  you  take  full   advantage of
  113.                                |  This is a great program  which will  track
  114.                                |  see what happens on your BBS when your not a
  115.                                |  and highly recommended.   A  MUST  FOR  ANY
  116.                                |  CONTROLL THIER BBS, NOT HAVE IT CONTROLL THE
  117. BBS900RA.ZIP  [0]  BBS900RA v1.0  For RemoteAccess SysOps
  118.                                | running either a "Pay Board" or if
  119.                                | you just want to accept contributions
  120.                                | from your callers.  This utility will
  121.                                | validate the Code numbers and update
  122.                                | the Callers Sec. Level, Exp. Date, Flags,
  123.                                | Group, and Credits.  This is an easy
  124.                                | way for your callers to make either
  125.                                | $10 or $25 contributions to your BBS.
  126. BBSDOR33.ZIP  [0]  BBS_DOOR v3.30: The Premiere BBS Listing Door
  127.                                | {Bugfix from v3.2}
  128.                                | This program features :
  129.                                | * Color Configurable with BBS_TOOL!
  130.                                | * RIP Graphics Supported!
  131.                                | * DesqView Aware!
  132.                                | * Compatibility with DORINFO1.DEF drop file!
  133.                                | * Alphabetized listing of the BBS's
  134.                                | * Detailed entries containing
  135.                                |     BBS Name, Number, Sysop, Location, Softwa
  136.                                |     Baud Rates, Hours of operation, Networks
  137.                                |     BBS is on, and 3 lines of additional comm
  138.                                | * Editing and Deleting of entires.
  139.                                | * Ability to DOWNLOAD the Entire Listing from
  140.                                |   within the door! (External transfer program
  141.                                | * ZIP/ARJ/LZH support for Listings!
  142.                                | * New Search function to Locate entries based
  143.                                |   on 8 Cross-Indexed Criteria Fields!
  144.                                | * Help Screens within program!
  145.                                | * Includes BBS_TOOL.EXE Accessory program to
  146. BBSLST13.ZIP  [0]  BBSLIST v1.30 - The BEST BBSListing door!
  147.                                | · User interface like no other BBS -
  148.                                |   listing door! User's can use there
  149.                                |   arrow keys to scroll through the
  150.                                |   BBSes!
  151.                                | · Support's Door.Sys and Dorinfo1.Def
  152.                                | · FULL Multi-Tasking Support!
  153.                                | · FULL Split-Screen Chat!
  154.                                | · 32,000 Entries Available
  155.                                | · Download Listing! (5 protocols)
  156.                                | · Jump to DOS feature
  157.                                | · Remote SysOp Functions
  158.                                | · Search Functions
  159.                                | · Editing Functions
  160.                                | · Online User Help
  161.                                | · Not Crippled, No More Pauses!!
  162.                                | · And Much More...!
  163. BBSRPT12.ZIP  [0]  BBS Reporter is a log file processor that
  164.                                | reads your RA 2.xx log files and produces
  165.                                | informative tables and graphs showing many
  166.                                | important aspects of your system.  Reports
  167.                                | phone-line utilization (each node and whole
  168.                                | system), callers per day (each node and
  169.                                | whole system), usage of your door games,
  170.                                | and download statistics.
  171.                                | A useful utility for ANY RA SysOp, but a
  172.                                | MUST-HAVE for multi-line systems!
  173. BCASTER2.ZIP  [0]  BCAST-2 will send online messages
  174.                                | to other nodes of a Remote Access
  175.                                | bulletin board. Great for showing
  176.                                | users who is logging on & off the
  177.                                | system. Respects the 'No Disturb'
  178.                                | flag.  Now supports the semaphore
  179.                                | drives and HANDLES!  !!FREEWARE!!
  180. BD_RA201.ZIP  [0]  BIRTH_RA.EXE Version 2.01: Birthday List Gene
  181.                                |  * Creates a Monthly, Daily, and Complete Bir
  182.                                |    ANSI and ASCII formats!
  183.                                |    - Monthly Listing is in CHRONOLOGICAL ORDE
  184.                                |    - Daily and Complete Listings are in ALPHA
  185.                                |  * Listings can be based on RA User Group!
  186.                                |  * Sysop Defined Colors in the ANSI Birthday
  187.                                |  * List Users by their REAL NAMES or HANDLES!
  188.                                |  NEW!! * Posts Happy Birthday Message to User
  189.                                |          Messge Base Only, for now..)
  190.                                |        * The Birthday Message is SYSOP DEFINE
  191.                                |        * Fixed the BirthDate Format Bug!    b
  192. BESTL105.ZIP  [0]  >>>>>>>> BESTLIST version 1.05. <<<<<<<<
  193.                                | ────────────────────────────────────────
  194.                                | A RemoteAccess 2.00  FileBase utility to
  195.                                | create detailed list of  most downloaded
  196.                                | files from the system.       Fully sysop
  197.                                | configurable via command line parameters
  198.                                | and external text files. Various sorting
  199.                                | and security limits,    up to 2000 files
  200.                                | per list, Full multinode aware and more.
  201.                                | From  Chief Israeli Communication System
  202.                                | Ltd.    Shareware, $20 Registration fee.
  203. BM212.ZIP     [0]  ┌────────────────────────────────┐
  204.                                | │      Birthday Maker v2.12      │
  205.                                | ├   ---───────────────────----   ┤
  206.                                | │                                │
  207.                                | │ Birthday Maker is RA 2.xx Util │
  208.                                | │ That will create a screen with │
  209.                                | │ Today + X Days birthdays,      │
  210.                                | │ Birthday Maker can send a msg  │
  211.                                | │ To each user having birthday   │
  212.                                | │ in the date of running         │
  213.                                | │                                │
  214.                                | │        New major release       │
  215.                                | │                                │
  216.                                | │        - YairSoftwares -       │
  217.                                | └────────────────────────────────┘
  218. BW29D_QB.ZIP  [0]  Upgrades The Blue Wave Offline Mail
  219.                                | Door for QuickBBS from v2.90c to v2.90d.
  220.                                | This only contains a patch file.  To
  221.                                | successfully install the patch, you MUST
  222.                                | have already installed v2.90c!
  223. BYE_V102.ZIP  [0]  █▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█
  224.                                | |           BYEBYE v1.02ß          |
  225.                                | |      ByeBye to Your Callers      |
  226.                                | .         <<FreeRegWare!>>         .
  227.                                | .──────────────────────────────────.
  228.                                | | A simple, generic utility made   |
  229.                                | | originally for my own BBS' use   |
  230.                                | . but caught on a little, so here  .
  231.                                | . is an official release for the   .
  232.                                | | public.  A silly little logoff   |
  233.                                | . procedure for the users and more .
  234.                                | . practice for me.. :)             .
  235.                                | | This version now searches for a  |
  236.                                | | file called BYEMENU.ANS and will |
  237.                                | . now allow you to customize your  .
  238.                                | . own look and style with BYEBYE!
  239.                                | |    Written by Steve Lanning      |
  240.                                | |         at 1:372/6577            |
  241.                                | █▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█
  242. CCTRX50.ZIP   [0]  CC-TRX v5.0 - Credit Card Door for RA 2.02
  243.                                | Supports Checking and Savings transactions
  244.                                | when used in conjunction with the Dragon
  245.                                | Business Services processing services.
  246. CDROM03.ZIP   [0]  CDROM Update v0.3beta - Mounts and
  247.                                | dismounts CDs from the RemoteAccess
  248.                                | v2.x filebase. Automatically detects
  249.                                | which CDs are in which CDROM drives,
  250.                                | and updates the filebase and paths
  251.                                | accordingly. A must for sysops with
  252.                                | more CDROMs than CDROM drives!
  253. CIDPH200.ZIP  [0]  CIDPHONE V2.00
  254.                                | for RemoteAccess 2.0x.
  255.                                | To check the authenticity of the
  256.                                | user's phone numbers with the one
  257.                                | provided by the phone company.
  258.                                | More Options NOW!!
  259.                                | By DiaLaval, Eric Carriere
  260. CNUM195G.ZIP  [0]  ┌──────────────────────────────────┐
  261.                                | │  ▒▒      CallNo V1.95Γ    ▒▒     │
  262.                                | │                                  │
  263.                                | │ NEW! Configuration file support  │
  264.                                | │ Desqview Support, Bug-Fixes,     │
  265.                                | │ Message notifying sysop of a     │
  266.                                | │ certain caller number (eg for    │
  267.                                | │ prizes) and much more !!         │
  268.                                | │         This creates a           │
  269.                                | │ real BIG caller number ANSI and  │
  270.                                | │ ASCII screen to display on the   │
  271.                                | │ BBS. Useful to show users how    │
  272.                                | │       busy the system is !       │
  273.                                | │                                  │
  274.                                | │     Written in South Africa      │
  275.                                | │       A FastLight product        │
  276.                                | │          ** FreeWare **          │
  277.                                | └──────────────────────────────────┘
  278. CNUMBU22.ZIP  [0]  CNUMBU.EXE Caller Number Backup
  279.                                | utility for RemoteAccess 2.xx
  280.                                | - Also distributed as part of the
  281.                                | RATPak utility collection RATPAK22.ARJ
  282.                                | by McSoft Corp.
  283. CSHARK04.ZIP  [0]  Card Sharks .004 wide beta by MK Software.
  284.                                | Direct support for most BBS software.
  285.                                | Multi-node ready.  Card Sharks is based on
  286.                                | the game show of the same name. Has Bonus
  287.                                | round and many sysop-configurable options.
  288. CYBCAL10.ZIP  [0]  ╓─CyBiC─PRODUCTiONS────▄▄─────╖
  289.                                | ╟░▒▒▒▒░▌CYBCALL▐░▒▒▒▒▒░ █▌░▒▒░╢
  290.                                | ╙───────Phillip Klien── █▌00──╜
  291.                                | ▌─────────────────────────────▐
  292.                                |  The best TODAY CALLER door
  293.                                |  ever!  Has following options
  294.                                |   ■ Local baud rate masking
  295.                                |   ■ Sysop in/out of listing
  296.                                |   ■ Use handles
  297.                                |   ■ FULL color configurability
  298.                                |  100% FREEWARE!  FOR RA v2.xx
  299.                                | ■─────────────────────────────■
  300. CYBLIN10.ZIP  [0]  C[■]══─·CyBLiNE v1.0·─═════
  301.                                |  ▐░ ─═BEST ONELINER DOOR EVER
  302.                                |  ▐░   ¥ Custom Screen + Colors  
  303.                                |  ▐░   ¥ Special HaCKeR STyLe    
  304.                                |  ▐░   ¥ Color degradingC░▌
  305.                                |  ▐░   ¥ Cursor KeysC░▌
  306.                                |  ▐░   ¥ 100% configurableC
  307.                                |  ▐░   FOR REMOTE ACCESS 2.XX    ░▌
  308.                                |  [■]════════════════════CyBiC══[■]
  309. CYBMKB11.ZIP  [0]   ▄▄▄┐▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄┌▄▄▄
  310.                                | ┌─┬─├──────────────────┤─┬─┐
  311.                                |  ░│   CyB■MSG-KB RaTiO   │▓
  312.                                |  ░├─────────────CyBiC────┤▓
  313.                                |  ░│ No  messages?  Force │▓
  314.                                |  ▒│ users to  write msgs │▒
  315.                                |  ▒│ or  else   no  files │▒
  316.                                |  ▒│ access. KBYTE -> MSG │▒
  317.                                |  ▒│ ratio    controller. │▒
  318.                                |  ▓│ For RA 2.xx  ONLY !! │░
  319.                                |  ▓│ V1.1!  Bugs Fixed!!! │░
  320.                                |  ▓│ ┌─[■]∙FREEWARE∙[■]─┐ │░
  321.                                | └─┴─├──────────────────┤─┴─┘
  322.                                |  ▀▀▀┘▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀└▀▀▀
  323. CYBTAG10.ZIP  [0]  ·░░  CyBTaG v1.0 ░░·
  324.                                | ─────∙────────∙─────
  325.                                | Adds taglines to msgs
  326.                                | written online.   For
  327.                                | RA 2.xx.  FREEWARE by
  328.                                | CyBiC PRODUCTiONS '94
  329.                                | ─────────∙───────────
  330. DAYSTAT1.ZIP  [0]  ┌──────┤DayStat v1.0ß├───────────────┐
  331.                                | │   Small multipurpose utility:      │
  332.                                | │ Creates Calls/Msgs-Per-Day Graphs  │
  333.                                | │ Exports Last Caller info to Frodo  │
  334.                                | │ (Inbound His, Log File, Status Box)│
  335.                                | │ Makes Today/Yesterday Callers Lists│
  336.                                | │  ...And a bit more.   (For Ra 2.0x)│
  337.                                | │      XX≥ FreeWare ≤XX              │
  338.                                | └────────────────────────────────────┘
  339. DECISION.004  [0]  Ammendment to decision.003 on QBBS
  340. DOOR115K.ZIP  [0]  DOOR.SYS At 115200bps!! Run "Door.Sys" Style
  341.                                | Doors Under RA 2.02 At A Locked Port Rate Of
  342.                                | 115200 Bps.
  343. DOOR_HLP.ZIP  [0]  ╒═══════════════════════════════════════╕
  344.                                | │  Help file for running door programs  │
  345.                                | │  with RemoteAccess using one (1)      │
  346.                                | │  DOOR.BAT file.                       │
  347.                                | │  InfoWare: by Ted Fox, SysOp of       │
  348.                                | │            The Night Hawk BBS         │
  349.                                | │            (601)385-7379              │
  350.                                | ╘═══════════════════════════════════════╛
  351. ELTL10FW.ZIP  [0]  ELTLite 1.0fw    * ELTamer Lite *
  352.                                | Allows you to browse FIDONET.NA and
  353.                                | then, if you choose, automatically bring
  354.                                | up the EList information for any echo
  355.                                | that is listed. This is a smaller,
  356.                                | stripped-down version of ELTamer.
  357.                                | Freeware from Psycho Hut Software.
  358. ELTM_10.ZIP   [0]  ELTamer v1.0  * The EchoList Browser *
  359.                                | Frustrated by that huge EList file? Let
  360.                                | ELTamer handle it _FOR_ you!  Using
  361.                                | either ELIST???.SUM or FIDONET.NA as an
  362.                                | index, ELTamer will allow you to browse the
  363.                                | EList effortlessly, search for echos by one
  364.                                | of three criteria, AreaFix the echo
  365.                                | automatically, and many, many other things
  366.                                | too numerous to mention in a FILE_ID.DIZ.
  367.                                | No FidoNet sysop should be without it!
  368.                                | Shareware from Psycho Hut Software, $10 US
  369. EXITBUG.ZIP   [0]  Drop file compatability for QuickBBS and some
  370.                                | doors.
  371. FAKEUSER.ZIP  [0]  <<FAKEUSER>> for RemoteAccess 2.x BBS
  372.                                | Updates your USERSON.BBS file to show
  373.                                | events running on your systems  other
  374.                                | nodes/lines.  FREEWARE by Multiboard!
  375. FAX140C.ZIP   [0]  Upgrade/Bugfix for BGFAX program. Needs BGFAX
  376.                                | 1.40.
  377. FBTRIM01.ZIP  [0]  FBTRIM v0.01 by Lyn Borchert
  378.                                | A nice little utility for removing
  379.                                | the date and size from incorrectly
  380.                                | formated FILES.BBS files. Very helpful
  381.                                | for the sysop putting CD-ROMs online.
  382.                                | FREEWARE
  383. FDHH_11.ZIP   [0]  FDHH v1.1 * FrontDoor Historical Humans *
  384.                                | Will read in RA 2.x's LASTCALL.BBS, and add
  385.                                | the last caller's information to FD's
  386.                                | Inbound History file.  Also will optionally
  387.                                | add the information to LASTCALL.FD for
  388.                                | display on FrontDoor's waiting-for-call
  389.                                | screen.  Aliases are supported!
  390.                                | This version adds InterMail support.
  391.                                | Freebie from Psycho Hut Software.
  392. FDIO11.ZIP    [0]  ▌■▐────∙FDIO v1.1∙───▌■▐
  393.                                | [·Creates ANSi screens·]
  394.                                | [·of IN/OUTBOUND calls·]
  395.                                | [·of your Front  Door,·]
  396.                                | [·or InterMail.   Nice·]
  397.                                | [·screens generated!  ·]
  398.                                | [·Support  for all BBS·]
  399.                                | [·systems.   CyBiC '95·]
  400.                                |       [FREEWARE]
  401. FDLV4101.ZIP  [0]  FDL  FileDoor LITE  V 4.10.1  Bug-fix rel.
  402.                                | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
  403.                                | DISP software: FileDoor-LIT protocol driver
  404.                                | Version/Date : V 4.10.1 / Sept 18th  , 1994
  405.                                | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
  406.                                | Update to FDL 4.10 to fix COMPORT's > 4.
  407.                                | Needs the original FDL_V410.ZIP archive as
  408.                                | well !
  409.                                | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
  410. FECV140.ZIP   [0]   FeConv V1.40
  411.                                | -konvertiert von FastEcho nach
  412.                                |  RA, ProBoard, WME, SuperBBS,
  413.                                |  QuickBBS, FrontDoor, InterMail
  414.                                | -erstellt fast frei definierbare
  415.                                |  Textfiles aus dem Area-Setup
  416.                                |  von FastEcho
  417.                                | -Schreibt Reports per Netmail oder
  418.                                |  in ein beliebiges Echo
  419. FED0210R.ZIP  [0]  Files-Ed v2.10,  A  highly configurable
  420.                                | FILES.RA editor for Remote Access V2.0x
  421.                                | sysops. Supports most desired features,
  422.                                | including  file   hurling,  description
  423.                                | files,   adopt,   delete,  edit,   add,
  424.                                | importing  SDN,  DIZ  file  from within
  425.                                | archive,   MOVING  file  areas   whilst
  426.                                | mantaining correct pointer files and
  427.                                | much more. Registration $15.
  428.                                | A WaveWare Product Released  (07/07/94)
  429. FEKILL12.ZIP  [0]  FeKill V1.2
  430.                                | Maintenance tool for FastEcho <= 1.40a
  431.                                | -Deletes and unlinks "dead" echos
  432.                                | -Notifies downlinks of "dead" echos
  433.                                | -Announces new areas
  434.                                | and many more features
  435. FETORA02.ZIP  [0]        FE  to  RA  v 0.2
  436.                                | converts your FastEcho Rev 5 config
  437.                                | into your RemoteAccess 2.x config.
  438.                                | Full access to all FastEcho and
  439.                                | RemoteAccess options simply by a
  440.                                | text-based config file.
  441. FFLAG22.ZIP   [0]  FINDFLAG.EXE RemoteAccess v2.xx User
  442.                                | Flag Finder
  443.                                | - Also distributed as part of the
  444.                                | RATPak utility collection RATPAK22.ARJ
  445.                                | by McSoft Corp.
  446. FFRA05WB.ZIP  [0]  FastFile for RA 0.05Wß the BEST FileDoor
  447.                                | and filemanager for RemoteAccess 2.0 BBS
  448.                                | built around a "graphic" user interface.
  449.                                | NOW SUPPORTS: RA 2.02 Tagfile, Password,
  450.                                | CD-ROM, DAT, Color Configuration,  GIF-,
  451.                                | MOD-View, DupeCheck, Freefile, Comments-
  452.                                | in filelists, Virus scan, Long filedesc,
  453.                                | File tagging, Fast AreaChange, TextView,
  454.                                | Locate, Archive View,  New Files Search,
  455.                                | TextView, Upload, Download,  Local mode,
  456.                                | SplitScreen Chat with macrofunctions and
  457.                                | Remote SysOps features like RA Manager!!
  458.                                |         * And much more ! *
  459. FF_100.ZIP    [0]  FastFile 1.00. The * BEST * FileDoor and
  460.                                | FileManager for RemoteAccess 2.0x BBS !!
  461.                                | Built around a "graphic" user interface.
  462.                                | NOW SUPPORTS: RA 2.02 Tagfile, Password,
  463.                                | CD-ROM, DAT, Color Configuration,  GIF-,
  464.                                | MOD-View, DupeCheck, Freefile, Comments-
  465.                                | in filelists, Virus scan, Long filedesc,
  466.                                | File tagging, Fast AreaChange, TextView,
  467.                                | Locate, Archive View,  New Files Search,
  468.                                | MemorySwap functions, All FileProtocols,
  469.                                | TextView, Upload, Download,  Local mode,
  470.                                | SplitScreen Chat with macrofunctions and
  471.                                | Remote SysOps features like RA Manager!!
  472.                                |         * And much more ! *
  473. FGEN100.ZIP   [0]  (v1.00) FileGen An All-/new-/groupfiles
  474.                                | generator for Remote Access 2.0x. This
  475.                                | program is free. Many features like
  476.                                | creating an allfiles and newfiles in one
  477.                                | run. Multiple configuration files. Use your
  478.                                | own language etc.
  479.                                | NetmailWare by Pascal van Rossum
  480. FILEST03.ZIP  [0]  Users can see more info about a file.
  481.                                | Number of down-loads, uploader-name,
  482.                                | File_id.diz, Description etc. Free
  483.                                | from parameters or configurationfiles.
  484.                                | Searches FASTER than RA in the area's.
  485.                                | The FILEBASE from RA 2.00/2.01 is used.
  486.                                | Compleetly Multi-Line and Multi-Language
  487.                                | This programm may be used freely and wil
  488.                                | be automaticly registered at your own
  489.                                | sysop and BBS name.
  490. FIRE100.ZIP   [0]  ╓───────────────────────────────────────────╖
  491.                                | ║     JPSoft... Doorware for your BBS.      ║
  492.                                | ╟───────────────────────────────────────────╢
  493.                                | ║  Fire Fighter 1.00 is an addicting game   ║
  494.                                | ║  where players try to stop the forest     ║
  495.                                | ║  fire before it spreads.  Players         ║
  496.                                | ║  achieve higher scores by preventing      ║
  497.                                | ║  damage and loss.  Requires ANSI          ║
  498.                                | ║  emulation.  Detects RIP and sets up for  ║
  499.                                | ║  80x25 font.  Supports DORINFOx.DEF,      ║
  500.                                | ║  DOOR.SYS, FOSSIL driver, ASYNC and more. ║
  501.                                | ║  Installation and configuration programs  ║
  502.                                | ║  make for easy install and setup.         ║
  503.                                | ╙───────────────────────────────────────────╜
  504. FLSORT10.ZIP  [0]  Allows you to Sort QuickBBS's FILECFG.DAT
  505.                                | Alphabetically by Area Name. It also Sorts
  506.                                | Un-used Areas back to the end of the File.
  507.                                | FILESORT can only be used on FILECFG.DAT's
  508.                                | with 200 or less File Areas. * FREEWARE *
  509.                                | by Bruce Bowman.
  510. FMAIL10G.ZIP  [0]  FMail v1.0 Gamma - The Fast Echomail
  511.                                | processor for Hudson/JAM message bases.
  512.                                | Freeware version when used in non-commercial
  513.                                | env.
  514. FMESS203.ZIP  [0]  FIX_MESS.EXE v2.03: Global Message Area Modif
  515.                                | for RA 2.0X: Change parameters - Group, Age,
  516.                                | Security Levels, Flag Settings, Number of
  517.                                | Messages per area, and most other settings in
  518.                                | each message area. Dispenses with need for
  519.                                | RACONFIG.EXE for changing RANGES of message
  520.                                | areas..(Area 1 to 200).
  521.                                | NEW! Now you can LIMIT the Changes to
  522.                                | specific GROUPS within the RANGE, Alter Messa
  523.                                | Status (PUB,PVT,etc) and modify RealNames, Ha
  524.                                | Pick an alias! by Fozzy INC!
  525. FMRAC262.ZIP  [0]  FM_DL_C.EXE is an util to change the
  526.                                | uploadersname in the filebase of RA or
  527.                                | to set the downloadcounters at 0 in the
  528.                                | filebase of RA. This util can be used
  529.                                | with FileMgr v0.50 (06-24-94) or higher
  530.                                | and Remote Access 2.00 or higher.
  531.                                | It is FREE to use. CopyRight J.H.R.
  532.                                | Software (Tm) / All Rights reserved.
  533. FMSORT10.ZIP  [0]  FM_SORT.EXE; The FMAIL v. 0.98a Message Area
  534.                                | will SORT your Message Areas based on Group (
  535.                                | each group. This program will also update you
  536.                                | to reflect the new message area order. Great
  537.                                | by Fozzy INC!
  538. FREQL13A.ZIP  [0]  FREQLIST creates a report of File Request
  539.                                | message base format (.MSG, Hudson, SQUISH, JA
  540.                                | download counters for RABBS Sysops.
  541. FREQR100.ZIP  [0]  FREQ ROBOT v1.00 Users can file request
  542.                                | files from remote systems. Works with
  543.                                | any front end mailer and bbs software.
  544.                                | Writes message to user upon files arrival
  545.                                | in Hudson, JAM, or *.MSG format. Works
  546.                                | within any Fidonet style network. Can
  547.                                | place requests on HOLD or send CRASH.
  548.                                | 11/11/94, shareware by Vince Jacobs and
  549.                                | Lone Wolf Software. $20 registration.
  550. FRL100.ZIP    [0]  FRL100.ZIP - Creates F'req directories
  551.                                | listing for FrontDoor from FILES.RA
  552.                                | (RemoteAccess v2.xx). FreeWare!
  553. FRMV21.ZIP    [0]  ┌─═ File Remover v2.1 ══════════╗
  554.                                | │                               ║
  555.                                | │ FileRemover is a usefull util ║
  556.                                | │ For RA 2.xx, It will look for ║
  557.                                | │ A Filemask in All areas and   ║
  558.                                | │ For each area Only keep the   ║
  559.                                | │ Newest file exists Both in    ║
  560.                                | │ Dos and in FILES.BBS, FRemove ║
  561.                                | │ Can also Ignore Certin Areas  ║
  562.                                | │                               ║
  563.                                | │   - Full Source Included -    ║
  564.                                | └───────────────────────────────┘
  565. FSSG156G.ZIP  [0]  (v1.56Γ) The Fantasy Software Statistics
  566.                                | Generator Door for Remote Access 2.0x.
  567.                                | Supports also InterMail, D'Bridge, FrontDoor
  568.                                | and Portal Of Power. This program has many
  569.                                | statistics that other statistics generators
  570.                                | do not have! You will like it! This version
  571.                                | adds 28800 bps support. !! MAJOR BUG FIX !!
  572.                                | !-! Bug fix for v1.55Γ !-! Fixed registered
  573.                                | & unregistered bugs
  574.                                | Shareware by Pascal van Rossum
  575. FUNNY010.ZIP  [0]  FUNNYONE.EXE v0.10
  576.                                | An excellent "OneLiner" door for RemoteAccess
  577.                                | or any other DORINFO1.DEF compatible
  578.                                | software.
  579.                                | Allow users to leave a Funny OneLiner or
  580.                                | just to leave a single line message for all
  581.                                | to see.
  582.                                | <<< DONATIONWARE! >>> - Min. $5.00 US Funds
  583. GTAG110.ZIP   [0]  GTAG 1.10 is a tagline appending utility that
  584.                                | to the end of their messages.  GTag randomly
  585.                                | (You can use the 3500+ taglines included in t
  586.                                | has to option to pick one or not append one a
  587.                                | User definable Taglines now available!
  588.                                | Must be running RA/QBBS/SBBS with an external
  589.                                | support - runs under OS/2, Desqview and even
  590.                                | ** FIXES THE ILLEGAL @PID in echomail message
  591. IBANKV05.ZIP  [0]  ┌═╦═════════════════════════════════╦═┐
  592.                                | │▓║          IceBank v0.50          ║▓│
  593.                                | │▓║ Deluxe Time/Kbyte Bank System   ║▓│
  594.                                | │▓║     For RemoteAccess v2.0x      ║▓│
  595.                                | │▒╠════─────────────────────────════╣▒│
  596.                                | │▒║ Some Features Include: Bank     ║▒│
  597.                                | │▒║ Robbing, Bank Transfers, Time/  ║▒│
  598.                                | │▒║ Kbyte Buying, Full Colour       ║▒│
  599.                                | │▒║ Configuration, Daily Time/Kbyte ║▒│
  600.                                | │░║ Interest Rates, Full Account    ║░│
  601.                                | │░║ Management, Multiple User Limit ║░│
  602.                                | │░║ Configuration, InterBBS Trans-  ║░│
  603.                                | │░║ action support and more!        ║░│
  604.                                | └═╩═════════════════════════════════╩═┘
  605. ICHATV38.ZIP  [0]  ┌═╦═════════════════════════════════╦═┐
  606.                                | │▓║          IceChat v3.80          ║▓│
  607.                                | │▓║ Deluxe SysOp-User Chat Utility  ║▓│
  608.                                | │▓║ For RA 2.0x/Dorinfo1.Def Compat ║▓│
  609.                                | │▒╠════─────────────────────────════╣▒│
  610.                                | │▒║ Split/Vertical Chat, NoPage     ║▒│
  611.                                | │▒║ Control File, Macros, Character/║▒│
  612.                                | │▒║ MultiColour Macro Configuration,║▒│
  613.                                | │▒║ Emergency Page Option, User -   ║▒│
  614.                                | │░║ Editor, Definable Chat Screens, ║░│
  615.                                | │░║ ASCII Support, Alias Support,   ║░│
  616.                                | │░║ Configurable Strings, VIP User  ║░│
  617.                                | │░║ Detection, Generic Dorinfo1.Def ║░│
  618.                                | │░║ Support, Hudson MsgBase Support,║░│
  619.                                | │░║ JAM MsgBase Support, External   ║░│
  620.                                | │░║ DOS Utility Option, Online      ║░│
  621.                                | │░║ TextFile Viewing, Door.Sys      ║░│
  622.                                | │░║ support, & MUCH MORE!!          ║░│
  623.                                | └═╩═════════════════════════════════╩═┘
  624. IEDITV11.ZIP  [0]  ┌═╦═════════════════════════════════╦═┐
  625.                                | │▓║         IceEdit v1.10           ║▓│
  626.                                | │▓║ Deluxe FS ANSi Message Editor   ║▓│
  627.                                | │▓║ For Use With RemoteAccess 2.0x  ║▓│
  628.                                | │▒╠════─────────────────────────════╣▒│
  629.                                | │▒║Features include: Random Tagline ║▒│
  630.                                | │▒║addition, character color config,║▒│
  631.                                | │▒║Left Column Justification, Line- ║▒│
  632.                                | │▒║Centering, Textfile exporting,   ║▒│
  633.                                | │░║Message Censoring, Macro Config, ║░│
  634.                                | │░║Configurable Function Key Macros,║░│
  635.                                | │░║Completely Color Configurable    ║░│
  636.                                | │░║User Interface, Replacement Codes║░│
  637.                                | │░║Color Control Strings, efficient ║░│
  638.                                | │░║built-in Spell Checking Routines,║░│
  639.                                | │░║and more! Should work with other ║░│
  640.                                | │░║QuickBBS compatible BBS packages ║░│
  641.                                | │░║This file should be accompanied  ║░│
  642.                                | │░║by IDICTV07.ZIP (Dictionary).    ║░│
  643.                                | └═╩═════════════════════════════════╩═┘
  644. INET15.ZIP    [0]  The Internet Connection! Version 1.5 By
  645.                                | Mark Williamson, Omega Software. Allow
  646.                                | your users to write an Internet message
  647.                                | from your system!  Don't bother them
  648.                                | with 'how to format the message'.  Let
  649.                                | Inet do it for them!  Easy to setup and
  650.                                | now menu driven address book! Works
  651.                                | Great!  File requestable from 1:202/750,
  652.                                | magic name INET, file size about 125k.
  653.                                | Shareware, $10.00 to register.
  654. INETFIX.ZIP   [0]  "/REPLY" Bug fix. Executable Only (INET.EXE)
  655.                                | replacement for INET15.ZIP.
  656. INOTEV06.ZIP  [0]  ┌═╦═════════════════════════════════╦═┐
  657.                                | │▓║         IceNote v0.60           ║▓│
  658.                                | │▓║     Note To All Users Door      ║▓│
  659.                                | │▓║ For Use With RemoteAccess 2.0x  ║▓│
  660.                                | │▒╠════─────────────────────────════╣▒│
  661.                                | │▒║ Some Features include: Message  ║▒│
  662.                                | │▒║ Censoring, Completely Color     ║▒│
  663.                                | │▒║ Configurable User Interface,    ║▒│
  664.                                | │▒║ Message database, BBS Alias/    ║▒│
  665.                                | │░║ Defined User Alias Support,     ║░│
  666.                                | │░║ Random/defined expressions,     ║░│
  667.                                | │░║ Reading Pause Delay setup,      ║░│
  668.                                | │░║ Color Pipe Codes, Single/Multi  ║░│
  669.                                | │░║ /Scrolling Messages, and more!  ║░│
  670.                                | └═╩═════════════════════════════════╩═┘
  671. INQUIS21.ZIP  [0]  Bug fix: 2.0 was SUPPOSED to be an evaluation
  672.                                | version!
  673.                                |     ┌──────────────────────┐
  674.                                | ────┤ The Inquisitor! v2.10├─────────────────
  675.                                |     └──────────────────────┘
  676.                                | Retrieves  FILE_ID.DIZ  or  DESC.SDI from all
  677.                                | major  archive types plus finds size  info in
  678.                                | graphics  and sound files.  In addition, info
  679.                                | can  be retrieved from FILES.BBS or any  file
  680.                                | list  you happen to have.   Supports a  total
  681.                                | of  20 file extensions.  Works in  conjuntion
  682.                                | with  RemoteAccess  Manager  V2.00  or above.
  683.                                | Wait!   That was  version 1.0's  description!
  684.                                | New  and greatly  improved!   In  addition to
  685.                                | retrieving file  descriptions from all common
  686.                                | sources,  The  Inquisitor  will  now  display
  687.                                | graphics  or play VOC or WAV files using your
  688.                                | favorite software.   Plus, it now  includes a
  689.                                | solution   for  the  dreaded  RA  description
  690.                                | formatting!   Support  a  total  of  21  file
  691. JCQ-202A.ZIP  [0]  JCQWK version 2.02a QWK Mail Door for
  692.                                | RemoteAccess 2.02. Supports JAM and
  693.                                | Hudson message formats, RIP Graphics,
  694.                                | Internet gateways, short area names,
  695.                                | dupe checking, tearline checking, file
  696.                                | requests. Multiple languages, hotkeys,
  697.                                | and all RA alike Alt-functions work,
  698.                                | even the Alt-E user editor! Very easy
  699.                                | to install and configure, real stable.
  700.                                | ----->   EXCELLENT SUPPORT!!   <------
  701.                                | Now Much Faster, user freindly, and
  702.                                | More RIP Graphics! Shareware from the
  703.                                | Netherlands. $20
  704. JMH280G8.ZIP  [0]  J-Mail v2.10 for QBBS
  705. KPOST110.ZIP  [0]  KAMPost is a textfile Posting
  706.                                | Program for JAM, Hudson, Ezycom,
  707.                                | Squish, Packet, and Fido type
  708.                                | message bases.  KAMPost features
  709.                                | full message base locking
  710.                                | support and MORE!!
  711. KSNOOP10.ZIP  [0]  KAMSnoop is a password snooper
  712.                                | for RA 2.xx.  It will ask the
  713.                                | user for their password, and
  714.                                | then compare the CRC value of
  715.                                | the password the user typed to
  716.                                | the one in the EXITINFO.BBS file.
  717.                                | If they match, then KAMSnoop
  718.                                | will save the password in either
  719.                                | the Organization or Comment fields,
  720.                                | and optionally log it to a logfile.
  721. LABTST31.ZIP  [0]  Labtest 3.1 - The Definitive
  722.                                | RemoteAccess 2.xx File Processor!
  723.                                | The most complete file processing system
  724.                                | (IMHO)! Labtest will perform all the
  725.                                | 'minimum' functions in file processing,
  726.                                | plus much, much more! New for 3.1 is
  727.                                | .TIC file processing, interactive
  728.                                | file/area selection and processing.
  729.                                | Duplicate file detection based on number
  730.                                | of files/percentage, BBS advertisement
  731.                                | removal based on text searching for
  732.                                | common phrases.  Online Help feature
  733.                                | gives detailed info on every
  734.                                | configuration option. Quality Shareware
  735.                                | for only $20.00 from Mark Williamson.
  736. LANG_202.ZIP  [0]  17 different language files for RemoteAccess
  737.                                | v2.0x. Languages ranging from Bronx to Weird!
  738. LOLO112.ZIP   [0]  ┌────────── LogOn/LogOff  v1.12 ──────────┐
  739.                                | │ A Multi - Line User Annoucement Utility │
  740.                                | │ v1.12 adds support for RA's hidden flag │
  741.                                | │ Ouput routines optimized once again for │
  742.                                | │ maximum possible speed when executing.  │
  743.                                | │ For RemoteAccess 2.00, 2.01 & 2.02      │
  744.                                | │ FAST & SEEMLESS!       Shareware.....$8 │
  745.                                | └──────────────────────────────────────-──┘
  746. LSTRIP06.ZIP  [0]       « LeStrip v0.60 »
  747.                                | A *.PKT message stripper  to
  748.                                | remove  Hi-Ascii  characters
  749.                                | that would  otherwise  enter
  750.                                | an echo where  they are  not
  751.                                | allowed - full configuration
  752.                                | and up  to 20 nodes  can  be
  753.                                | defined, character remapping
  754.                                | facility. NEW! Wildcards can
  755.                                | be  used. 1000% increase  in
  756.                                | speed over previous version!
  757.                                |  DoubleMap Statements too !
  758.                                |    Excellent for HUBS etc.
  759.                                |  FREEWARE from South Africa
  760.                                |  Copyright (C) 1994,1995
  761.                                |        FastLight Inc.
  762. LW_MGR12.ZIP  [0]  LW_MGR from LlanoWare!  v1.2
  763.                                | Complete RemoteAccess Editor. Including
  764.                                | User, Menu, File, Language, Text,
  765.                                | RaConfig, and many DOS services.
  766.                                | LW_MGR is for RemoteAccess 2.00g to 2.02
  767.                                | only! This archive also includes Bill
  768.                                | Dykstra's AM_60 Archive Master.  Please
  769.                                | run LWSETUP to correctly install and
  770.                                | configure both these programs FIRST!!!
  771.                                | **** READ THE LWSETUP.DOC FILE!!! ****
  772. MAM100.ZIP    [0]  MAMOVE v1.00 by John Kristoff
  773.                                | Easily, quickly and safely change
  774.                                | the order of your message area listing.
  775.                                | For RemoteAccess v2.0x.  *FREEWARE*
  776.                                | with C source code.
  777. MBRA105.ZIP   [0]         *** MailBox 1.05 ***
  778.                                |  Maintainence Release ** Still FREE!
  779.                                | For RemoteAccess 2.xx Versions Only
  780.                                | MailBox will search HUDSON and JAM message
  781.                                | areas for mail addressed to Sysop, Sysop
  782.                                | Name and Handle. Creates a report, and
  783.                                | optionaly a netmail message. Scans defined
  784.                                | areas only, areas can be excluded.
  785.                                | Now supports ranges eg: 100-150 + more!
  786.                                | From RaLin Software - "But of course...."
  787. MBRPT200.ZIP  [0]  ▒▒░░ MessageBase Reporter v2.00 ░░▒▒
  788.                                |         ** MAJOR UPDATE! **
  789.                                | Now written in Pascal, instead of
  790.                                | QuickBasic.  It's _much_ smaller,
  791.                                | and the archive is tiny! MessageBase
  792.                                | Reporter sends a list of all active
  793.                                | message base names to the printer on
  794.                                | LPT1, along with Hudson indication
  795.                                | or JAM path/name information and
  796.                                | message area type (Local, Echo,
  797.                                | Netmail, Internet or Newsgroup).
  798.                                | Free - no nag screens, no
  799.                                | registration.
  800. MCBEST10.ZIP  [0]  McBest v1.0 - McSoft Corp.
  801.                                | McBest is a Statistics Bulletin
  802.                                | Generator for RemoteAccess 2.xx
  803.                                | You configure the number of elements
  804.                                | to show in the bulletins from 1 to the
  805.                                | Top 100 of each catagory.
  806. MCWAIT22.ZIP  [0]  MC_WAIT.EXE Batch File Time Delay Utility
  807.                                | - Also distributed as part of the
  808.                                | RATPak utility collection RATPAK22.ARJ
  809.                                | by McSoft Corp.
  810. MC_EXP22.ZIP  [0]  EXPIRE.EXE RemoteAccess v2.xx User
  811.                                | Expiration Date Scanner
  812.                                | - Also distributed as part of the
  813.                                | RATPak utility collection RATPAK22.ARJ
  814.                                | by McSoft Corp.
  815. MC_LC22.ZIP   [0]  LASTCALL.EXE Log FrontDoor calls to
  816.                                | RemoteAccess v2.xx Todays Callers List
  817.                                | - Also distributed as part of the
  818.                                | RATPak utility collection RATPAK22.ARJ
  819.                                | by McSoft Corp.
  820. MKNET115.ZIP  [0]  MKNet v1.15 QWK network tosser for MK, RA,
  821.                                | Quick, Super, and other systems using
  822.                                | Hudson, Jam, Squish, Ezy, or *.Msg Message
  823.                                | bases. Fast and easy to setup. Now with
  824.                                | alternate taglines. (FW)
  825. MKSM106.ZIP   [0]  MK Source for Msg Access v1.06 - Mark May's
  826.                                | Pascal OOP source code to access Squish,
  827.                                | Jam, Hudson, *.Msg, and Ezycom message
  828.                                | bases. Great for developing BBS utilities.
  829.                                | (FW)
  830. MMRA10.ZIP    [0]         *** MyMail 1.0 ***
  831.                                | For RemoteAccess 2.xx Versions Only
  832.                                | MyMail will search HUDSON and JAM message
  833.                                | areas for mail addressed to Sysop, Sysop
  834.                                | Name and Handle. Creates a report, and
  835.                                | optionaly a netmail message. Scans defined
  836.                                | areas only, areas can be excluded.
  837.                                | ************* FREEWARE! ******************
  838.                                | From RaLin Software - "But of course...."
  839. MM_300W.ZIP   [0]  The Ultimate Menu Editor. Can Use With Both
  840.                                | RA1.Xx And RA2.Xx.
  841. MOUNT102.ZIP  [0]  The Mountie v01.02, allows you to
  842.                                | logically mount/dismount CD-ROMs,
  843.                                | network drives, local hard drives
  844.                                | or removable disks online/offline
  845.                                | within RemoteAccess v2.x.
  846.                                | File Areas associated with a physical
  847.                                | disk are grouped together using RA's
  848.                                | File Groups and RACONFIG.EXE.  You
  849.                                | then select which of your File Groups
  850.                                | are disks in The Mountie!  Each disk
  851.                                | definition contains Online & Offline
  852.                                | Security Codes & Flags.
  853. MPACK'95.ZIP  [0]  Bugfix #2 for MSGPACK
  854. MSQ10G2.ZIP   [0]  MOSQUITO v1.0Γ1 File Echo Processor
  855.                                | Gamma release of a file tosser that directly
  856.                                | support RemoteAccess and FILES.BBS systems.
  857.                                | File announcements and wildcards are
  858.                                | supported and Mosquito will also import
  859.                                | FILE_ID.DIZ descriptions.  Warning: No
  860.                                | hubbing or hatch support!  This is a test
  861.                                | release only.  Semi-freeware from Psycho Hut
  862.                                | Software.
  863. MSTAT111.ZIP  [0]  MSGSTATS v1.11 Lists Hudson message area info
  864.                                | QuickBBS, RA, and SuperBBS. Number of
  865.                                | messages, space occupied, etc. Finds areas
  866.                                | where tossers have created "garbage"
  867.                                | messages so you can clean them out. Also
  868.                                | shows how many users are reading the areas,
  869.                                | so you can tell which are popular.
  870.                                | Now supports Goldbase!!
  871. MTAC_102.ZIP  [0]  MTAC v1.02 - Message To All Callers Door. Now
  872.                                | with MultiNode Capabilities - .EXE update and
  873.                                | bug fixes.
  874. MTSV7811.ZIP  [0]  MTS  Make them Seen V 7.81.1  Bug-fix rel.
  875.                                | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
  876.                                | DISP software: MTS archive viewer
  877.                                | Version/Date : V 7.81.1 / Sept 18th  , 1994
  878.                                | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
  879.                                | Update to MTS 7.81 to fix COMPORT's > 4.
  880.                                | Needs the original MTS_V781.ZIP archive as
  881.                                | well !
  882.                                | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
  883. MWIZ3G1.ZIP   [0]  (v3.00G1) This public Gamma is a complete
  884.                                | rewrite of MenuWiz - the Best menu editor
  885.                                | for RemoteAccess 2.0X. This will make the
  886.                                | sysop's life much easier while designing
  887.                                | and modifying menus.
  888. NETAD100.ZIP  [0]  >>>>> NetAdder v1.00 <<<<<
  889.                                | NetAdder: A nice tool for Mail-Editors:
  890.                                | Create your own user-database with their
  891.                                | Internet-address, and run the program.
  892.                                | Just select the fellow you want to write
  893.                                | a message to and quit. The file
  894.                                | 'NETADDER.MSG' will be created with the
  895.                                | name and Internet-address in it.
  896.                                | Very Easy and handy !!!!!
  897.                                | (C) 1995 Copyright by:
  898.                                | A.S. Kerkmeester, Simplesoft Developments
  899.                                | < C A R D W A R E >
  900. NEWS57.ZIP    [0]  Newsflashes from your Hudson Msg Base.
  901.                                | Multiline, DV aware. MultiLanguage,
  902.                                | configurable, easy.
  903. NLTS10.ZIP    [0]  NLTS v1.0 NodeList Text Searcher
  904.                                | Searches the Fido nodelist for strings from
  905.                                | the commandline.  Allows case-sensitive or
  906.                                | insensitive searches.  Redirectable.
  907.                                | "Yeah, Right"-Ware from Psycho Hut Software.
  908. NODEFILE.ZIP  [0]  Use customized text files of any origin to
  909.                                | send to nodes while they are online. Easy 3
  910.                                | line configuration program, clean interface,
  911.                                | for any QBBS version.  Fast, and reliable.
  912.                                | Written by James Goldbloom, 1:109/611.
  913. NOTIFY11.ZIP  [0]  RA Notify v1.1 - A RemoteAccess v2.xx
  914.                                | Multi-Node utility. NOW WITH HANDLE
  915.                                | SUPPORT. Command line utility to notify
  916.                                | each node of a logon or logoff on
  917.                                | another node. Uses only one executable
  918.                                | with parameters. Will not try to notify
  919.                                | those nodes that are currently without
  920.                                | callers. Excellent way to promote
  921.                                | teleconferencing on a multi-line
  922.                                | system.  *Bug Fix Release Also*
  923.                                | *For Both Shareware And Pro Versions*
  924. NTIMP100.ZIP  [0]  NetImp, The NetMail Importer. Import Existing
  925.                                | .MSG Netmail Dirs Into BBS Msg Base. Supports
  926.                                | Hudson & JAM, 20 AKA's, Full 4D.
  927. NU_V211.ZIP   [0]  NU - Nodelist Updater 2.11.
  928.                                | Updates nodelists with the weekly
  929.                                | difference files or a new nodelist.
  930.                                | NU automatically detects the
  931.                                | decompression method needed for
  932.                                | the files, can create statistics,
  933.                                | automatically compresses new files,
  934.                                | updates descriptions for Files.Bbs
  935.                                | or the RemoteAccess 2.0 filebase,
  936.                                | cheap to register and MUCH more!
  937. OLF-FRAN.ZIP  [0]  "FRANCAIS.OLF" A language file for OLMS 2.x
  938.                                | Written by: Jean-Luc Pedneault, 1:2404/103
  939. OLF-SPAN.ZIP  [0]  "SPANISH.OLF" A language file for OLMS 2.x
  940.                                | Written by: Abelardo Garces, 1:167/136
  941. OLMS200.ZIP   [0]  ╓────────────────────────────────────────╖
  942.                                | ║ █▀█ █   █▀▄▀█ █▀▀  Offline Mail System ║
  943.                                | ║ █ █ █   █ ▀ █ ▀▀█      Version 2.0     ║
  944.                                | ║ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀   ▀ ▀▀▀ ─────────────────────║
  945.                                | ║ An amazing QWK/QWKE/BlueWave mail door ║
  946.                                | ║ for RemoteAccess 2.x  Includes keyword ║
  947.                                | ║ and filtering scans. Supports QWK nets ║
  948.                                | ║ Autoconfig shortlists, duplicate check ║
  949.                                | ║ Taglines, sysop forced/blocked, retear ║
  950.                                | ║ file requesting,  selective bulletins, ║
  951.                                | ║ Automated mail runs. RIP. Configurable ║
  952.                                | ║ screens and multilanguage support! JAM ║
  953.                                | ║ and Hudson supported. Write-buffering. ║
  954.                                | ║ Netmail costing. Kludge line handling. ║
  955.                                | ║ UUCP Gateway.  This great looking mail ║
  956.                                | ║ door installs from scratch in minutes! ║
  957.                                | ╙────────────────────────────────────────╜
  958. OLMSBAPP.ZIP  [0]  OLMS 2.00 - Application Form for
  959.                                | becoming a beta test site.
  960. ONELPR25.ZIP  [0]  ┌──────────────────────────────────────┐
  961.                                | │╓──┐ ╓──┐ ╥──┐ ╥    ─╥─ ╓──┐ ╥──┐ ╥──┐│
  962.                                | │║  │ ║  │ ╟─   ║     ║  ║  │ ╟─   ╟─┬┘│
  963.                                | │╙──┘ ╨  ┴ ╨──┘ ╨──┘ ─╨─ ╨  ┴ ╨──┘ ╨ ┴ │
  964.                                | │            ╥──┐ ╥──┐ ╓──┐            │
  965.                                | │            ╟──┘ ╟─┬┘ ║  │            │
  966.                                | │            ╨    ╨ ┴  ╙──┘            │
  967.                                | ├──────────────────────────────────────┤
  968.                                | │      Oneliner Proffesional 2.50      │
  969.                                | │  ···────────────────────────────···  │
  970.                                | │                                      │
  971.                                | │ OneLiner Pro Is a Oneliner Door For  │
  972.                                | │ RemoteAccess 2.xx, It is the Best    │
  973.                                | │ Ever written, Full with features,    │
  974.                                | │                                      │
  975.                                | │        Oneliner Pro Support:         │
  976.                                | │  Desqview + MultiLine + Ansi/Avatar  │
  977.                                | └──────────────────────────────────────┘
  978. ONLINE22.ZIP  [0]  ONLINE.EXE Manipulate the USERON.BBS
  979.                                | (List of callers Online) for RemoteAccess v2.
  980.                                | - Also distributed as part of the
  981.                                | RATPak utility collection RATPAK22.ARJ
  982.                                | by McSoft Corp.
  983. PACK1995.ZIP  [0]  Fix for MSGPACK 1995 bug, Classic and Goldbase
  984. PEDIT2_5.ZIP  [0]  PEDIT.EXE v2.5 - Full screen ansi editor for
  985.                                | RA,QBBS,Proboard. Has random quote and color
  986.                                | control. Freeware!!!!
  987. POLL110.ZIP   [0]          The Polling Place 1.10
  988.                                | The Best Voting Booth for Remote Access.
  989.                                | Many new update from version 1.03. The
  990.                                | Voting Booth with more features than any othe
  991. PPWB10.ZIP    [0]  ▓  The Pachyderm Password Bank 1.0      ▓
  992.                                | ▓ * For RemoteAccess 2.xx Versions Only * ▓
  993.                                | ▓ Users store access PsWd for retrival    ▓
  994.                                | ▓ by the Sysop. Easy, Fast, Powerful!     ▓
  995.                                | ▓ BBS Door Program, and Sysop's Database  ▓
  996.                                | ▓ Data Files in secure Encrypted Format   ▓
  997.                                | ▓ Passworded Access to Sysop's Database   ▓
  998.                                | ▓ Database uses dBase III+ format files   ▓
  999.                                | ▓ The "ULTIMATE" user password Storage    ▓
  1000.                                | ▓ and Retrival System!! - RaLin Software. ▓
  1001. PROTOCOL.ZIP  [0]  PROTOCOL - Allows you to set
  1002.                                | the default protocol for new
  1003.                                | users from within RemoteAccess.
  1004.                                | Runs as a door under RA 2.0x.
  1005. PSCN113E.EXE  [0]  PalmScan v1.13 - The Ultimate Archive
  1006.                                | Conversion Utility
  1007. PTFL100.EXE   [0]  PalmTick FeatherLight v1.00 - TickFile
  1008.                                | pre-processor for PalmScan
  1009. PWALL10A.ZIP  [0]  Additional READ.ME for PWALL10.ZIP. Explain
  1010. Q&A4RA-8.ZIP  [0]  ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐
  1011.                                | │░░░░▒▒▒▒▓▓▓ Q&A4RA Revision #8 ▓▓▓▒▒▒▒░░░░│
  1012.                                | ├──────────────────────────────────────────┤
  1013.                                | │ Questions & Answers for RemoteAccess 2.x │
  1014.                                | │                                          │
  1015.                                | │ How to setup FrontDoor, FastEcho, xMail, │
  1016.                                | │ AllFix, IceEdit, IceChat, GEdit, RAInfo, │
  1017.                                | │ Online Archive Master, DoorWay,  LWUser, │
  1018.                                | │ LWMenu,  BlueWave Mail Door,  INSTAbank, │
  1019.                                | │ TChat, SetEdit, FDRPR,  FileStat, FMail, │
  1020.                                | │ THDPro, JC-QWK, LabTest, FMail,  & more! │
  1021.                                | │                                          │
  1022.                                | │ Doing FAX with RA and BGFAX, Door Setup, │
  1023.                                | │ RA  with  OS/2, Multinode Setup, RAUUCP  │
  1024.                                | │ Info, Easy Readings and Thorough Details │
  1025.                                | │                                          │
  1026.                                | │   Written by Eric Staufer (1:374/6568)   │
  1027.                                | ╞══════════════════════════════════════════╡
  1028.                                | │ ■ Files: 17,  Lines: 7565,  Size: 357k ■ │
  1029.                                | └──────────────────────────────────────────┘
  1030. QC_200B.ZIP   [0]  QuickCall 2.00 public beta
  1031.                                | release. The ultimate Today's
  1032.                                | Callers generator for RA, EzyCom
  1033.                                | and ProBoard. Report all bugs to
  1034.                                | Grant Beattie at 3:637/106 (Fidonet).
  1035. QD1209A.ZIP   [0]  Quickbbs V2.80 Pre-Release Documentation
  1036.                                | Release 12/09/94. This Release Contains Minor
  1037.                                | Changes of The 11/12/94 Release.
  1038. QFAX25.ZIP    [0]  QUICKFAX v2.5 Now offer fax services to your
  1039.                                | BBS users. Extracts message from message
  1040.                                | base and converts them to a format for
  1041.                                | faxing.  Also calls fax software. Now with
  1042.                                | support for INTERNATIONAL numbers.  Supports
  1043.                                | Fido (*.msg), Hudson (RA/QBBS), Squish,
  1044.                                | EZYCom, and JAM message bases.
  1045. QRATIO19.ZIP  [0]  Qratio v1.9 creates Fidonetstyle mail
  1046.                                | statistics. Works with Hudson, *.MSG, Squish,
  1047.                                | JAM and Ezy.
  1048.                                | Quality software from Act Of Impulse.
  1049.                                | Written by Melle Koning.
  1050. QWKESPEC.ZIP  [0]  <<< Extended QWK (QWKE) Specifications >>>
  1051.                                | Royalty-free!!!   See how two simple files
  1052.                                | can make "QWK" a format to last the times.
  1053.                                | Fully backward compatible with _all_ "QWK"
  1054.                                | mail doors/readers.   Support for netmail,
  1055.                                | file   attaches,   file requests,   remote
  1056.                                | maintenance,  area information and more!!!
  1057.                                | **** AUTHORS - IT'S EASY TO IMPLEMENT ****
  1058.                                | Add it in now,  and make your product last
  1059.                                | in the rapidly changing times of Email.
  1060. R2Z_V12.ZIP   [0]  *** Rep2Zip V 1.2 By Eddy Salvador ***
  1061.                                | .TIC files "Replaces" command converter.
  1062.                                | Rep2Zip will scan all of your .TIC files
  1063.                                | and replace the file extension of the
  1064.                                | "Replaces" command to .ZIP, .ARJ, .ARC
  1065.                                | or .* , Etc.  Rep2Zip solves the dilemma
  1066.                                | of having your file base in one particular
  1067.                                | compression format and not being able to
  1068.                                | take advantage of the replace command in
  1069.                                | the .TIC file because the file extension
  1070.                                | to replace is not the same one you are
  1071.                                | using. Cheap to register!
  1072. RA2FRQ22.ZIP  [0]  RA2FREQ.EXE RemoteAccess v2.xx to
  1073.                                | FrontDoor File Request List creator
  1074.                                | - Also distributed as part of the
  1075.                                | RATPak utility collection RATPAK22.ARJ
  1076.                                | by McSoft Corp.
  1077. RA2GCMSG.ZIP  [0]  GLOBALM, Make global changes to
  1078.                                | your Remote Access version 2
  1079.                                | message bases.  Lots of options.
  1080.                                | Can make changes to whole base
  1081.                                | or selected ranges.  FreeWare!
  1082. RA2GIGO2.ZIP  [0]  RA2GIGO  FREE RA utility from LlanoWare
  1083.                                | Quite simply, RA2GIGO will read your
  1084.                                | RemoteAccess v2.x user list, and create
  1085.                                | a users .cfg file for GIGO.   This
  1086.                                | allows automatic bouncing of any
  1087.                                | incoming Internet email, that was
  1088.                                | improperly addressed, or to a user that
  1089.                                | does not exist on your BBS.  No need
  1090.                                | to manually bounce all the unknown
  1091.                                | messages, or to manually update your
  1092.                                | users .cfg file!   This program can run
  1093.                                | in your midnight events, or after each
  1094.                                | new user logs off of the system.
  1095. RA2T_101.ZIP  [0]  RA_2_TAG! v1.01 (RA 2.02 compatible!)
  1096.                                | File Tagging Door with excellent CD-ROM
  1097.                                | support even if a CD is not online!
  1098.                                | RA_2_TAG can be used to list, search
  1099.                                | and request files. This utillity uses
  1100.                                | the RA filebase ans is fully multi-
  1101.                                | language and multiline aware. It also
  1102.                                | supports al LIMITS if they are installed.
  1103.                                | After requests are made this utility
  1104.                                | updates your filebase AND your download-
  1105.                                | counters. With this program it is
  1106.                                | possible to have all your CD's 'online'
  1107.                                | with only one CD-ROM drive. When a
  1108.                                | caller requested a file and returns to
  1109.                                | the BBS after 24 hours the files are
  1110.                                | ready to download! Fast and Easy!
  1111.                                | ** From J.H.R. Software (tm) **
  1112. RABI10.ZIP    [0]  RA Baud Interceptor v1.0 - A
  1113.                                | RemoteAccess v2.xx Buad Rate utility.
  1114.                                | Reports a caller as 19200 for those who
  1115.                                | have higher speed modems. This allows
  1116.                                | the LIMITS.CTL to keep a control on the
  1117.                                | kilobytes downloadable.  Helps fix a
  1118.                                | minor bug in RemoteAccess. Very fast!
  1119.                                | *For Both Shareware And Pro Versions*
  1120. RACBV203.ZIP  [0]  RACBV203, Call back verifier!!!!
  1121.                                | Works with ANY bbs that can read
  1122.                                | back a DOOR.SYS or EXITINFO.BBS,
  1123.                                | (Type2 RA 2.00+) drop file. FREE
  1124.                                | Fixed! a terrible bug that would
  1125.                                | cause the  program to not update
  1126.                                | the user in certain conditions.
  1127. RACCD11.ZIP   [0]      -=|=- RA-CCD v1.10 -=|=-
  1128.                                |     ------------------------
  1129.                                | RA-CCD; The  ultimate credit  card
  1130.                                | subscription door for RemoteAccess
  1131.                                | Features include: automatic credit
  1132.                                | card number validation, selling of
  1133.                                | credits, bad credit  card  numbers
  1134.                                | detection, security level and flag
  1135.                                | upgrading,   subscription   expiry
  1136.                                | date automatic  upgrading, message
  1137.                                | template  support, internal paging
  1138.                                | and message posting(query message)
  1139.                                | routines, and MUCH MUCH more!!!
  1140. RACE3B10.ZIP  [0]  RACE V3.0beta/10 - Mike Janke's RemoteAccess
  1141.                                | Caller Editor.
  1142. RACNUM22.ZIP  [0]  RACNUM.EXE RemoteAccess v2.xx Caller
  1143.                                | Number Editor
  1144.                                | - Also distributed as part of the
  1145.                                | RATPak utility collection RATPAK22.ARJ
  1146.                                | by McSoft Corp.
  1147. RADCD102.ZIP  [0]      [- RADCD Ver 1.02 -]
  1148.                                | ** Fixes and Enhancements **
  1149.                                | RemoteAccess Dropped Carrier Detector
  1150.                                | Reads RA.LOG and posts message to users
  1151.                                | who drop caller.
  1152.                                | Supports Multi-Line systems.
  1153.                                | Supports HUDSON and JAM message bases.
  1154.                                | Sysop definable "User Message"
  1155.                                | Sysop Report - MsgBase or Netmail
  1156.                                | Creates optional ANS/ASC screens.
  1157. RAFDB100.ZIP  [0]  RAFDB Field Editor - Edits on a MASS LEVEL th
  1158.                                | the Remote Access File Data Base (RA 2.0x).
  1159.                                | uploader name for areas 10 - 15 to Joe Shmoe,
  1160.                                | by a Sysop.  BBS Number's inside).
  1161. RAFDLC16.ZIP  [0]       ===> Version 1.06 <===
  1162.                                | RAtoFD and FDtoRA Last Caller Programs.
  1163.                                | Transfers last caller info between the
  1164.                                | two. Both programs included. Supports
  1165.                                | Multi-Line setups for FD/RA.  Requires
  1166.                                | Front Door and RemoteAccess.
  1167.                                | Many additions and Fixes.
  1168.                                | Freeware from RaLin Software.
  1169. RAFDUPE2.ZIP  [0]  RaFDupe V2.0 - McSoft Corp.
  1170.                                | Scans your RemoteAccess 2.xx File
  1171.                                | Database and Reports any Duplicate Files.
  1172.                                | Supports checking with and without extentions
  1173.                                | Generates text file report of duplicate files
  1174. RAFIND22.ZIP  [0]  RAFIND.EXE Find Files on your BBS
  1175.                                | for RemoteAccess v2.xx
  1176.                                | - Also distributed as part of the
  1177.                                | RATPak utility collection RATPAK22.ARJ
  1178.                                | by McSoft Corp.
  1179. RAG-ST11.ZIP  [0]  ┌───────────────────────────────────┐
  1180.                                | │           Rag-Stat 1.10           │
  1181.                                | ├───────────────────────────────────┤
  1182.                                | │ RemoteAccess 2.xx Statistics Util │
  1183.                                | │                                   │
  1184.                                | │    o Top Callers                  │
  1185.                                | │    o Top Uploaders                │
  1186.                                | │    o Top Message Posters          │
  1187.                                | │    o Top Downloaded Files         │
  1188.                                | │    o Age Statistics               │
  1189.                                | │    o Upcoming Birthdays           │
  1190.                                | │    o Mail Overview                │
  1191.                                | │                                   │
  1192.                                | │ Configurable and Easy to Use!! $5 │
  1193.                                | └───────────────────────────────────┘
  1194. RAMAG10.ZIP   [0]  LiveSystems RA magazine door 1.0: Read
  1195.                                | magazines online.  This door can handle
  1196.                                | ReadRoom, flatfile and it's own Magazine
  1197.                                | formated magazinefiles.  Included a
  1198.                                | TOC2MAG converter and a reader for the
  1199.                                | magazine format.  This door is written
  1200.                                | for RemoteAccess but also has a
  1201.                                | DORINFO?.DEF mode usable for other BBS
  1202.                                | programs.  Dutch Quality ShareWare: Only
  1203.                                | 25 Dutch Guilers.
  1204. RAMRC001.ZIP  [0]  Chop Off Unused MESSAGES.RA Entries Above
  1205.                                | Your Highest Used Area. Quick, Simple And
  1206.                                | Easy To Use.
  1207. RAP182.ZIP    [0]  RAP - The RemoteAccess Pub v1.82, a multi-use
  1208.                                | Authorized rewrite of the original!  This ver
  1209.                                | release, and should FINALLY be stable enough
  1210. RAP182A.ZIP   [0]  Upgrade package for The RemoteAccess Pub v1.8
  1211.                                | several bugs and includes a couple of new fea
  1212. RAPLNK10.ZIP  [0]  RAPLink v1.00 - Links a RemoteAccess Pub
  1213.                                | teleconference to almost any other
  1214.                                | teleconference program via modem! Supports
  1215.                                | actions, genernal actions, direct text and
  1216.                                | more. Not crippled!
  1217. RASIS201.ZIP  [0]   ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓─────── RASIS 2.01 ─────────▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓
  1218.                                |            ** NEW ADDITIONS! **
  1219.                                |   RemoteAccess Sysop's Information Service
  1220.                                |   Multi-Task Aware, supports Multi-Node
  1221.                                |   systems. Post messages to HMB/JAM. Multiple
  1222.                                |   System reports, User mailing labels,reports
  1223.                                |   Change some system settings. Lots more!
  1224.                                |   * No RA Sysop should be without it *
  1225.                                |  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓── From RaLin Software ──▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓
  1226. RATICK22.ZIP  [0]  RATick version 2.2 is a new TIC file
  1227.                                | processor especially designed for use
  1228.                                | with RemoteAccess BBS s/w. RaTick
  1229.                                | reads the TIC file, moves the files
  1230.                                | to designated directory, then calls
  1231.                                | RAFILE to import the descriptions from
  1232.                                | the TIC file into Rafile database.
  1233.                                | Optionally the registered version will
  1234.                                | import the descriptions contained in
  1235.                                | *.DIZ and *.SDI files.
  1236. RATLC200.ZIP  [0]  RemoteAccess Ultra-Teleconference v2.00.
  1237.                                | This is a multi-node chat program that
  1238.                                | will allow users on different nodes of
  1239.                                | a RemoteAccess BBS to chat back and
  1240.                                | forth in a comfortable and easy to
  1241.                                | use environment.
  1242. RATPAK22.ZIP  [0]  RemoteAccess v2.xx Tools/Utilities Package by
  1243.                                | Remote Dos Chat Program,Caller Number Backup
  1244.                                | Expiration Date Scanner, User Flag Finder,
  1245.                                | Log FrontDoor calls to Todays Callers List,
  1246.                                | Batch File Time Delay Utility,
  1247.                                | Online Free Disk Space Door/DOS Utility,
  1248.                                | Manipulate the USERON.BBS (List of callers On
  1249.                                | FrontDoor File Request List creator, Caller N
  1250.                                | Find Files on your BBS,Todays Call Log Trimme
  1251.                                | View Todays Callers From DOS Prompt,
  1252.                                | View Callers Currently Online From DOS Prompt
  1253. RATS220.ZIP   [0]  RATS v2.20 TimeBank System for
  1254.                                | RA/QBBS/SuperBBS/ProBoard supports
  1255.                                | storing Time and KBytes for use
  1256.                                | another day. Also supports Borrowing
  1257.                                | Time and KByes, and Daily and Monthly
  1258.                                | Lotteries. This is the most
  1259.                                | comprehensive Time Bank on the market
  1260.                                | today, and is a proven winner
  1261.                                | over the past 5 years!
  1262. RAUA020B.ZIP  [0]  ╒════════╡ RA User Announcer ╞════════╕
  1263.                                | │ Announce to all nodes when a user   │
  1264.                                | │ logs on or off your RA 2.0x system! │
  1265.                                | │ Now respects Hidden flag and works  │
  1266.                                | │ whether RA is registered or not.    │
  1267.                                | ╘══════════FREEWARE RELEASE!══════════╛
  1268. RAV110.RAR    [0]  Remote Archive Viewer v1.1. Online archive
  1269.                                | viewer. ZIP/ARJ/LZH/RAR/SQZ/ZOO/ARC/PAK.
  1270. RAVIP102.ZIP  [0]  ****** RaVip Version 1.02 *******
  1271.                                | Scans RA log, dectects VIP callers via
  1272.                                | VIP.CTL, posts message to Sysop that they
  1273.                                | called, also condensed activity report.
  1274.                                | Sysop message to MsgBase or Netmail.
  1275.                                | Supports Hudson/Jam/MSG. Can use alternate
  1276.                                | control file, alone or "with" VIP.CTL!
  1277.                                | NOW SUPPORTS ECHOMAIL/INTER-ZONE NETMAIL
  1278.                                | - Freeware from RaLin Software! -
  1279.                                |    "A missing part of RA"
  1280. RA_202.ZIP    [0]  The RemoteAccess BBS Program V2.02 -
  1281.                                | Shareware Maintenance Update.
  1282. RA_S&W15.ZIP  [0]  (v1.5ß) RA_S&W
  1283.                                | ╔═══════════════════════════════════╗
  1284.                                | ║    VaBa!Soft Utils for RA 2.0x    ║
  1285.                                | ╟───────────────────────────────────╢
  1286.                                | ║ The first Sratch and Win lottery  ║
  1287.                                | ║ doorgame for RA 2.0x.  A freeware ║
  1288.                                | ║ gift to all USA VaBa!Soft users ! ║
  1289.                                | ╚═══════════════════════════════════╝
  1290. RDS_V301.ZIP  [0]  RDS  Remote DOS Shell V 3.01 Major Release
  1291.                                | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
  1292.                                | DISP software: RDS -- Remote DOS Shell
  1293.                                | Version/Date : V  3.01 / August 15th, 1994
  1294.                                | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
  1295.                                | RDS is a online 'shell' that can emulate
  1296.                                | most of the DOS functions online (for every
  1297.                                | user). Also some enhancements over DOS are
  1298.                                | included. All resources and options can be
  1299.                                | protected for each and every user !
  1300.                                | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
  1301.                                | This version adds:
  1302.                                | * Proboard support
  1303.                                | * Remote Access 2.0 support
  1304.                                | * New and enhanced features
  1305.                                | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
  1306. READ_396.ZIP  [0]  THE READER V3.96 - Online Mailreader/door
  1307.                                | for RA, SBBS, QBBS, ProBoard 2.0x and any
  1308.                                | other BBS creating DORINFOx.DEF.
  1309.                                | Supporting HUDSON, JAM and SQUISH Msgbase
  1310.                                | Style. Full Desqview, OS/2 and most other
  1311.                                | multitasker aware.
  1312.                                | Now  full  Netmail  support (write/reply)
  1313.                                | and InterNet support added.
  1314.                                | Features :  reading,  writing,  replying,
  1315.                                | searching  for  Keyword, Area-Change with
  1316.                                | NewMail-Scan,  Logbook ,  Language-Files,
  1317.                                | Online-Help-Screen, Full-Screen-Setup and
  1318.                                | more. *BUGFIXED VERSION*
  1319. RFW_V131.ZIP  [0]  RFW  Remote FileList (Windowed) V 1.31 Min.
  1320.                                | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
  1321.                                | DISP software: Remote Filelist Window(ed)
  1322.                                | Version/Date : V 1.31 / August 15th, 1994
  1323.                                | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
  1324.                                | RFW is a program to view the file-listings
  1325.                                | on a BBS and a direct replacement for the
  1326.                                | internal file-list viewers. Tagging in the
  1327.                                | DISP/FileDoor compatible format is present
  1328.                                | as well as a direct interface to DISP MTS
  1329.                                | archive-view program. Special support for
  1330.                                | CD-ROM. Can do file-list, newfile-list,
  1331.                                | file-search and keyword-search, the latter
  1332.                                | also INSIDE non-archive files.
  1333.                                | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
  1334.                                | Version 1.31 is a minor release that fixes
  1335.                                | the high CPU consumption and now supports
  1336.                                | UC2 and RAR archives.
  1337.                                | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
  1338. RTAPE400.ZIP  [0]  RoboTape v4.00 Users download from tape
  1339.                                | CD rom and hard drive areas. Has great
  1340.                                | RIP graphics support. Supports multiple
  1341.                                | tapes, cds, and cd drives. File tagging
  1342.                                | and file ratios, dbase engines, quality
  1343.                                | file base management tools. Released on
  1344.                                | 11/11/94, shareware by Vince Jacobs and
  1345.                                | Lone Wolf Software. $20 registration.
  1346. RTOOL116.ZIP  [0]  ■■■ Rudy's Place Tools. Release 1.16 ■■■
  1347.                                | A collection of RA 2.xx Sysop tools that
  1348.                                | are used on  Rudy's  Place BBS.  Include
  1349.                                | Users IDX file rebuilder,  USERSXI  file
  1350.                                | rebuilder FILE_ID.DIZ   handler,    File
  1351.                                | Truncator, Global USERS.BBS set utility,
  1352.                                | Users duplicate  finder,  USERON  wiper,
  1353.                                | Zip version  identifier,   Alias  fixer,
  1354.                                | command line  Nodelist   entry  locator,
  1355.                                | users files   checkup   utility,    file
  1356.                                | renumbering  utility,   RA  Orphan  Text
  1357.                                | files, menus  and   questionnaire  files
  1358.                                | locator, RA  File   and  Messages  areas
  1359.                                | reporter,  MESSGAES.RA Global editor,  A
  1360.                                | NetMail cleaning utility and a FrontDoor
  1361.                                | session password sync utility.    Public
  1362.                                | Domain  from the  Sysop of  Rudy's Place
  1363.                                | BBS.                        ** A MUST **
  1364. RUTIL100.ZIP  [0]  R_Utils v1.00 >>---> Sysop Utilities for
  1365.                                | RemoteAccess 2.0x and other BBS's. Utils
  1366.                                | include  a free disk space util,  a flag
  1367.                                | setting util,  File/Message - Group/Area
  1368.                                | setting util, Total Call Count Util, Log
  1369.                                | Generator, an RA  System.BBS viewer, and
  1370.                                | a RA Events Lister. Shareware.
  1371. S-NWS411.ZIP  [0]  ┌─────────────────────────────────────┐
  1372.                                | │▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ Super News v4.11 ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒│
  1373.                                | ├─────────────────────────────────────┤
  1374.                                | │   This is the BEST news maker for:  │
  1375.                                | │    - RemoteAccess                   │
  1376.                                | │    - PCBoard                        │
  1377.                                | │    - WildCat                        │
  1378.                                | │    - And all BBS program that uses  │
  1379.                                | │      ANS/ASC or @-Codes             │
  1380.                                | │                                     │
  1381.                                | │  Super News makes 5 news styles!    │
  1382.                                | │                                     │
  1383.                                | │    New features:                    │
  1384.                                | │    - Comma bug fixed!               │
  1385.                                | │    - And other bugs fixed!          │
  1386.                                | │                                     │
  1387.                                | │-=-=- Created by Daniel Lafraia -=-=-│
  1388.                                | ├─────────────────────────────────────┤
  1389.                                | │▒▒ SHAREWARE! - TAKE IT RIGHT NOW! ▒▒│
  1390.                                | └─────────────────────────────────────┘
  1391. SQ_V300.ZIP   [0]  Squadra V3.00 superb way to manage your BBS.
  1392.                                | Edit/Copy/Move/Delete comments of your files
  1393.                                | with great ease. Hook up external programs,
  1394.                                | search for files, define your own file
  1395.                                | listings, and a lot more ! Fully compatible
  1396.                                | with RA 1.xx, RA 2.xx, PB 1.3x, PB 2.xx ! And
  1397.                                | other BBS packages !
  1398. SUARM102.ZIP  [0]  SHUT UP AND RUN THE MAIL, Version 1.02
  1399.                                | QWK tosser for RemoteAccess 2.01, QuickBBS,
  1400.                                | ProBoard, and other Hudson/JAM/Squish/*.MSG
  1401.                                | BBS systems.  Includes support for QWK
  1402.                                | Kludge Lines, bad message support, multiple
  1403.                                | origin lines and more!
  1404. SX503H1.ZIP   [0]  Silver Xpress QWK and OPX Mail Door V5.03
  1405.                                | from Santronics Software for RemoteAccess,
  1406.                                | RoboFX, Proboard, Tag, Qbbs and SuperBBS.
  1407.                                | The most powerful off-line mail door in the
  1408.                                | market.  RIP Support, Internet and Fido
  1409.                                | Support, Smart Keyword Searching, Flexible
  1410.                                | Mail Packing Options, File Requesting, Fax
  1411.                                | Services, Forms Services, Much More.  Sysops
  1412.                                | registering Door, get the powerful Silver
  1413.                                | Xpress Reader for $3.00.
  1414. TABSRA21.ZIP  [0]  TabsRA v2.01  For RemoteAccess SysOps
  1415.                                | running either a "Pay Board" or if
  1416.                                | you just want to accept contributions
  1417.                                | from your callers.  This utility will
  1418.                                | validate the Tabs SID and update the
  1419.                                | Callers Sec. Level, Exp. Date, Flags,
  1420.                                | Group, and Credits.  This is an easy
  1421.                                | way for your callers to make either
  1422.                                | $10 or $25 contributions to your BBS.
  1423.                                | Over 125 copies sold to RA SysOps who
  1424.                                | are enjoying the extra income provided
  1425.                                | by TABS contributions.  This release
  1426.                                | is a MAJOR revision to TabsRA.
  1427. TAGEM101.ZIP  [0]   TagEm! Version 1.01 (RemoteAccess 2.02!)
  1428.                                |    Automatic File Tagging Door! Fast!
  1429.                                |          NEW FEATURES ABOUND!
  1430.                                | TagEm! lets your callers upload an ascii
  1431.                                | "request list" of files to download. TagEm!
  1432.                                | will process the list, honoring Security
  1433.                                | requirements, and TAG the files. When the
  1434.                                | caller returns to the BBS, the files are
  1435.                                | ready to download! Fast and Easy!
  1436.                                | ** From RaLin Enterprises Software **
  1437. TCALL25.ZIP   [0]  ┌────────────────────────────────────┐
  1438.                                | │ ┌─┬┬─┐     ┌┬──┐ ┌┬──┐ ┌┐    ┌┐    │
  1439.                                | │   ├┤   ─── ├┤    ├┼──┤ ├┤    ├┤    │
  1440.                                | │   └┘       └┴──┘ └┘  ┘ └┴──┘ └┴──┘ │
  1441.                                | ├────────────────────────────────────┤
  1442.                                | │         Today Callers 2.5          │
  1443.                                | │    ···─────────────────────···     │
  1444.                                | │                                    │
  1445.                                | │ Today Callers is a RemoteAccess    │
  1446.                                | │ 2.xx door the will show real good  │
  1447.                                | │ Today Callers List, Very usefull,  │
  1448.                                | │ Today Callers can also list last x │
  1449.                                | │ Callers                            │
  1450.                                | │                                    │
  1451.                                | │       Today Callers Supports       │
  1452.                                | │ Desqview + Multiline + Ansi/Avatar │
  1453.                                | └────────────────────────────────────┘
  1454. TCLT22.ZIP    [0]  TCLT.EXE Todays Call Log Trimmer for
  1455.                                | RemoteAccess v2.xx
  1456.                                | - Also distributed as part of the
  1457.                                | RATPak utility collection RATPAK22.ARJ
  1458.                                | by McSoft Corp.
  1459. TDCALL12.ZIP  [0]  TDCALLER.EXE version 1.2: Today's Callers fro
  1460.                                | Display your callers for today from DOS! The
  1461.                                | LOCATION, LOGON time, LOGOFF time, and BAUD r
  1462.                                | FOZZY INC!
  1463. THD10BET.ZIP  [0]  THD ProScan Version 10m BETA
  1464.                                | Includes THDPRO.EXE / THDINSTL.EXE
  1465.                                | and THDTERM.EXE betas.
  1466.                                | A functional preview of things to come.
  1467.                                | Fixes some problems with 9.1 as well as
  1468.                                | including a few features of the upcoming
  1469.                                | version 10.0. Very limited documentation.
  1470.                                | See THD10BET.TXT for details.
  1471.                                | Feedback is encouraged, but not required.
  1472. TIMEMAN.ZIP   [0]  TIME MAN V1.00
  1473.                                | This program allows a sysop
  1474.                                | to let his users add and/or
  1475.                                | subtract time from thier
  1476.                                | account. For RA2.0x Only
  1477.                                | Dean Sheppard
  1478.                                | Spyrus Software
  1479. TODAYS10.ZIP  [0]  Best Little Today's Caller Door For RA 2.Xx.
  1480.                                | FreeWare From Charleston, S.C.
  1481. TOPS3.ZIP     [0]  ┌────────────────────────────────┐
  1482.                                | │          Top`s v3.00           │
  1483.                                | ├   ---───────────────────----   ┤
  1484.                                | │                                │
  1485.                                | │ Top`s is TOP users list maker  │
  1486.                                | │ For RA 2.xx, Top`s will create │
  1487.                                | │                                │
  1488.                                | │  - Top Downloaders             │
  1489.                                | │  - Top Kb's Downloaders        │
  1490.                                | │  - Top Uploaders               │
  1491.                                | │  - Top Kb's Uploaders          │
  1492.                                | │  - Top Messages Posters        │
  1493.                                | │  - Top Callers                 │
  1494.                                | │  - Best Users                  │
  1495.                                | │  - General Satistics           │
  1496.                                | │                                │
  1497.                                | │ NEW: Definable Colors,Smaller, │
  1498.                                | │      Faster,New Interface      │
  1499.                                | │                                │
  1500.                                | │       - Yair Softwares -       │
  1501. TRAF105.ZIP   [0]  Echomail Traffic reports for up to 1024
  1502.                                | Fido/Opus, Hudson, JAM, Squish areas. Lists
  1503.                                | Name, Net/Node, average size of Message.
  1504. U-SET115.ZIP  [0]  USERSET Door for RemoteAccess 2.00.
  1505.                                | Version 1.15 allow users to view and
  1506.                                | change their BBS setup in a full
  1507.                                | screen door with all options built-in.
  1508.                                | Added support for high characters in
  1509.                                | input fields.
  1510. ULIST25.ZIP   [0]  ┌────═════════════════════════════════╗
  1511.                                | │  ┌┐  ┐       ┌┐    ┌┐ ┌┬──┐ ┌─┬┬─┐  ║
  1512.                                | │  ├┤  │  ───  ├┤    ├┤ └┴─┬┐   ├┤    ║
  1513.                                | │  └┴──┘       └┴──┘ └┘ └──┴┘   └┘    ║
  1514.                                | ├────═════════════════════════════════╣
  1515.                                | │          User Lister v2.5           ║
  1516.                                | │      ···──────────────────···       ║
  1517.                                | │                                     ║
  1518.                                | │ User Lister is a RA 2.xx Door that  ║
  1519.                                | │ Will List All users in your BBS or  ║
  1520.                                | │ Only Specific User(s), Ulist will   ║
  1521.                                | │ Not show the Users Location in list ║
  1522.                                | │ Ulist can also search in Handles and║
  1523.                                | │ In location of the user             ║
  1524.                                | │                                     ║
  1525.                                | │        User Lister Supports         ║
  1526.                                | │ Desqview + Multiline + Ansi/Avatar  ║
  1527.                                | └─────────────────────────────────────┘
  1528. UM100.ZIP     [0]  █▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ USERMAN 1.00 ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█
  1529.                                | █                                      █
  1530.                                | █ Professional Usermanagement for the  █
  1531.                                | █ experienced RemoteAccess 2.xx Sysop  █
  1532.                                | █                                      █
  1533.                                | █ * Multilingual                       █
  1534.                                | █ * Multitasker aware                  █
  1535.                                | █ * Checks 13 users.bbs fields         █
  1536.                                | █ * Informs Users and Sysop of changes █
  1537.                                | █ * More then 40 metastrings           █
  1538.                                | █ * Uses country dependent format for  █
  1539.                                | █   date and time.                     █
  1540.                                | █ * Can welcome users, kill users, up- █
  1541.                                | █   grade and downgrade users. Check   █
  1542.                                | █   subscriptions, birthday, first     █
  1543.                                | █   call, last call, credit, ratio etc █
  1544.                                | █ * Context sensitive helpsystem       █
  1545.                                | █ * Very smart and userfriendly!       █
  1546.                                | █ * NOT crippled in any way.           █
  1547.                                | █                                      █
  1548. UMGR110.ZIP   [0]  (v1.10) UserManager for Remote Access 2.0x.
  1549.                                | - Send hello messages to new users
  1550.                                | - Send happy birthday messages
  1551.                                | - Upgrade after xxx Kb Upload
  1552.                                | - Upgrade after xxx msgs written
  1553.                                | - Upgrade after xxx calls made
  1554.                                | - Downgrade after sub. date expiry
  1555.                                | - Backup your usersbase with Pkzip/Arj
  1556.                                | - Send netmail with data of new users
  1557.                                | - Delete users with deleted flag on
  1558.                                | - Kill users that have not called for X days
  1559.                                | - Kill users that have a certain level
  1560.                                | - And a LOT more stuff
  1561.                                | Read all about UserMgr Pro!
  1562.                                | Shareware by Pascal van Rossum
  1563. VBOX200.ZIP   [0]  ((((((( VOTEBOX Version 2.00 )))))))
  1564.                                | Can have to 10,000 topics to vote on
  1565.                                | Easy to use, ZERO maintenence! Sysop
  1566.                                | can edit & kill booths.  New version
  1567.                                | has command line options to  display
  1568.                                | number of unanswered booths. Can set
  1569.                                | security needed  to  create a booth.
  1570.                                | A renumber booth command also added.
  1571.                                | Now also shows results graphically!!
  1572.                                | Sets up in seconds and looks great!!
  1573.                                | Registration is VERY CHEAP!! - $4.00
  1574. VB_RAT12.ZIP  [0]  ╔═════════════════════════════════╗
  1575.                                | ║   VaBa!Soft Utils for RA 2.0x   ║
  1576.                                | ╟─────────────────────────────────╢
  1577.                                | ║ VB_RATIO is the Complete Remote ║
  1578.                                | ║ Access Ratio Checking System:   ║
  1579.                                | ║ ■ File ratio checking           ║
  1580.                                | ║ ■ Kilobyte ratio checking       ║
  1581.                                | ║ ■ Free download files/kilobytes ║
  1582.                                | ║ ■ Group checking                ║
  1583.                                | ║ ■ Up and downgrading of levels  ║
  1584.                                | ║ ■ Messages when up/downgrading  ║
  1585.                                | ║ ■ Internal configuration editor ║
  1586.                                | ║ ■ Complete logfile              ║
  1587.                                | ║ ■ Online ratio door             ║
  1588.                                | ║ ■ Multi language support (door) ║
  1589.                                | ║ ■ User exclusion list           ║
  1590.                                | ║ ■ RUR compatible control codes  ║
  1591.                                | ║ ■ Cheap to register !           ║
  1592.                                | ╚═════════════════════════════════╝
  1593. VIP203.ZIP    [0]  VIP 2.03 -- [Release #2].
  1594.                                | Generates VIP.CTL According To
  1595.                                | Security Level.  For Use With
  1596.                                | RemoteAccess 2.0x BBS Systems.
  1597.                                | !! Major Bug Release !!
  1598. WCALL22.ZIP   [0]  WHOCALLD.EXE View Todays Callers From
  1599.                                | DOS Prompt for RemoteAccess v2.xx
  1600.                                | - Also distributed as part of the
  1601.                                | RATPak utility collection RATPAK22.ARJ
  1602.                                | by McSoft Corp.
  1603. WHATOL23.ZIP  [0]  ┌──────────────────────────────────────┐
  1604.                                | │   ╥ ╥ ┬ ╥  ┬ ╓──┐ ╓─╥─┐   ─╥─  ╓─┐   │
  1605.                                | │   ║ ║ │ ╟──┤ ╟──┤   ║      ║   ╙─┐   │
  1606.                                | │   ╙─╨─┘ ╨  ┴ ╨  ┴   ╨     ─╨─ ╙──┘   │
  1607.                                | │     ╓──┐ ╓──┐ ╥    ─╥─ ╓──┐ ╥──┐     │
  1608.                                | │     ║  │ ║  │ ║     ║  ║  │ ╟─       │
  1609.                                | │     ╙──┘ ╨  ┴ ╨──┘ ─╨─ ╨  ┴ ╨──┘     │
  1610.                                | ├──────────────────────────────────────┤
  1611.                                | │         What is Online v2.30         │
  1612.                                | │  ···────────────────────────────···  │
  1613.                                | │                                      │
  1614.                                | │ WhatIsOnline is a RA 2.xx door that  │
  1615.                                | │ Will list All Users online to System │
  1616.                                | │ WOL Special features:                │
  1617.                                | │                                      │
  1618.                                | │  - You can relist users online       │
  1619.                                | │  - User Logon/Logoff Announcer       │
  1620.                                | │  - Online messages support           │
  1621.                                | │  - Userdoes.Xxx Support              │
  1622.                                | └──────────────────────────────────────┘
  1623. WHO200.ZIP    [0]  WHO 2.00 - Add callers to your mailer's histo
  1624. WHOSON22.ZIP  [0]  WHOSON.EXE View Callers Currently Online
  1625.                                | From DOS Prompt for RA v1.xx/2.xx QBBS 2.76/2
  1626.                                | - Also distributed as part of the
  1627.                                | RATPak utility collection RATPAK22.ARJ
  1628.                                | by McSoft Corp.
  1629. WIO106.ZIP    [0]  Who Is Online Door for RemoteAccess 2.00.
  1630.                                | Version 1.06 allow users to see who is on
  1631.                                | the other lines of the BBS and to send
  1632.                                | and recieve online messages.
  1633.                                | It's screen update feature allow the user
  1634.                                | to see changes in other users status as
  1635.                                | they occure. Added handles support.
  1636. WIZ13D.ZIP    [0]    File Wizard V1.3d FULL RELEASE
  1637.                                | --= Areamanager for BBS-SysOp's =--
  1638.                                | ┌─────────────────────────────────┐
  1639.                                | │ * Supports SuperBBS, QuickBBS,  │
  1640.                                | │ RA 1.11, RA 2.0x, LoraBBS, WME, │
  1641.                                | │ ProBoard, Maximus, FLSEARCH.CTL │
  1642.                                | │   * Lot's of functions, like    │
  1643.                                | │areaSort, filelists, announcings,│
  1644.                                | │common editor to edit fileareas, │
  1645.                                | │moving, copying, supports multi- │
  1646.                                | │  line descriptions, subareas,   │
  1647.                                | │    16 groups for fileareas,     │
  1648.                                | │       archive-conversion,       │
  1649.                                | │     and many many more !!!      │
  1650.                                | ├──Shareware with free upgrades───┤
  1651.                                | └─────────────────────────────────┘
  1652. WI_19.ZIP     [0]  LiveSystems WhatIs 1.9.
  1653.                                | The file ultimate description utility. Usable
  1654.                                | from DOS or RAMGR! Creates FDB/4dos/files.bbs
  1655.                                | description, extracts FILE_ID.DIZ, DESC.SDI,
  1656.                                | {SDA.ID} and VENDINFO.DIZ from a compressed
  1657.                                | file and optionally adds it to the filebase.
  1658.                                | Gives detailed information about GIF, PCX,
  1659.                                | TIF, TGA, JPG, BMP, all IFF filetypes, FLI,
  1660.                                | DBF, NG, TrueType, DeskJet, Bitstream fonts,
  1661.                                | MID, MOD, ROL, CMF, BNK, TRI, JUM, PCK, EXE
  1662.                                | (and exe compressors), Windows EXE, DLL,CRD,
  1663.                                | CAL, ICO, CUR, CLP, WRI, DOC and HLP files,
  1664.                                | ANSI, AVATAR, ASCII, all WordPerfect files,
  1665.                                | SFX files, compressed files, and more..
  1666. YC204.ZIP     [0]  YESTCALL.EXE : Yesterday/Last 24 Hours Caller
  1667.                                | List Generator v 2.04: Creates ANSI/ASCII Cal
  1668.                                | for the PREVIOUS DAY or the LAST 24 HOURS! Th
  1669.                                | ANSI/ASCII files display name or handle, node
  1670.                                | logon, logoff, times called, and Location.. j
  1671.                                | like the internal Today's Callers List!
  1672.                                | ** NOW COLOR CONFIGURABLE, EXCLUDES USERS WHO
  1673.                                | HIDDEN FLAG IS ACTIVATED, AND "CALLER TOTALS"
  1674.                                | TO THE LISTINGS! ** by Fozzy INC.
  1675. YCALL11B.ZIP  [0]  ╔═══──────-∙··   ··∙--────═══╗
  1676.                                | ║  ▄ ▄ ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄   ▄         ║
  1677.                                | │  ▀█▀ █   █▄█ █   █         │
  1678.                                | ║   ▀  ▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ V1.1ß ║
  1679.                                | ╠═══──────────────────────═══╣
  1680.                                | ║  Generates .ANS/ASC/AVT    ║
  1681.                                | │  screen with  YESTERDAY    │
  1682.                                | |  callers.   Works great    |
  1683.                                | |  with nice ANSi screens!   |
  1684.                                | │  FREEWARE!  Grab it now    │
  1685.                                | ║  \\=-  For RA 2.xx -=//    ║
  1686.                                | ╠══────────∙··   ··∙-──────══╣
  1687.                                | │     Raposa Productions     │
  1688.                                | \══───────-∙··   ··∙-──────══/
  1689. ZSTRIP99.ZIP  [0]  ZipStrip V0.99 Beta. From Computer Online Ser
  1690.                                | ZIP file comment stripper/replacer for the RA
  1691.                                | No Registration Fee.